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We were facing an urgent call to reconnect with nature and with ourselves, the planet spoke to us and asked us to pause, to return to a simpler life, to home, and to connect with our environment.

Our response was to connect thousands of people to a higher purpose, divided into the four elements that make up our world:
– Air / soul
– Earth / essence and roots
– Water / purification
– Fire / transformation

So we created the first digital festival for the Tosh brand, with 100% virtual spaces, which transported each individual to live real experiences. This event allowed people to reconnect with their inner selves, to be aware of their environment, their life and their relationship with the world.

We had guests and attendees from different parts of the world, who were welcomed in thousands of homes connected to the planet. In times of isolation, loneliness and uncertainty, we accompanied and felt more accompanied than ever. We understood our role in this world and committed ourselves fully to life.

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